بلدي أول أمر hautelook! (TheBalm Haul)

In my “final” Hauluary post, I mentioned that I was waiting on a couple more shipments – this is one of them! In mid-January, I heard about TheBalm being on HauteLook for 50% off from Kaily – I was both excited as well as a bit bit apprehensive. I’ve contemplated for many years about ordering makeup off HauteLook since they hold such fantastic sales, however living in Canada frequently adds a whole layer of complexity – not to mention cost – when it comes to ordering from US-based sites. So exactly how was my very first HauteLook experience from a Canadian perspective?

Pretty great, actually!

First, let’s look at what I ordered, as well as then I’ll discuss my experience ordering from HauteLook.

One of the reasons why I jumped on this offer was to get my paws on this item: satisfy Matt(e) Trimony Palette

I own the satisfy Matt(e) nude combination which is in the exact same style as well as contains more neutral matte shades. The satisfy Matt(e) Trimony leans more cool-toned general with some fantastic shift shades. I’m extremely excited to try this as it has fantastic evaluations on the internet – inspect out Kaily’s evaluation of this combination here.

Balm Appetit Palette

I just couldn’t assist myself with this combination since of exactly how adorable the packaging is! The die-cute lettering “EAT UR♥ OUT” is just a cover – when it’s opened, the shadows are typical square shaped pans. The high quality of the shadows in this combination is a mixed bag though – the consensus is that the mattes as well as shimmers are great however the satins (bottom row) are poor. checked out Kaily’s evaluation right here as well as likewise Thoughtful Pigeon’s evaluation here.  Another combination I toyed with getting was the nude ‘Tude however I believe I most likely already own all those shades in my stock in different formats.

CabanaBoy shadow / Blush

This states it’s a blush as well as an eye shadow? I’m leaning toward utilizing this more of a blush than an eye shadow, personally.

InStain blush in Argyle as well as Pinstripe

I mentioned in my evaluation publish of these InStain blushes that I desired more of them as well as right here we are!  I believe I now own all the shades from this range.

As for the experience of ordering from HauteLook, here’s what I believed under each of these considerations:


The biggest consideration for me was whether buying on HauteLook yielded considerable savings. even though whatever was 50% off the routine price, all of the costs are shown in USD so I had to factor in currency conversion. In addition, there were shipping / handling charges as well as an worldwide surcharge that HauteLook charges.  I really put whatever on a spreadsheet (are you surprised?) to do a side-by-side comparison before I took the plunge:

Despite our bad exchange rate, I still saved 67% buying on HauteLook vs buying these exact same products in a Canadian store. I kept my order to less than $100 in an attempt to prevent any type of import duties – I’m truly not sure that the “magic” number is  – however I did not incur any type of extra charges on my shipment. Presumably, the international surcharge takes care of that?


TheBalm is accessible to me as it’s sold at some Rexall beauty departments, as well as they do have sales from time to time (usually 25% off or buy 1 get 1 at 50% off).  However, I’ve not come across either the Meet Matt(e) Trimony or the Balm Appetit Palettes in person yet. From Canadian on the internet stores, I can order TheBalm from ObsessedCanada.com (or NailPolishCanada.com) which brings quite much the whole TheBalm variety however they rarely have sales.  In the HauteLook sale, I was hoping to get my hands on the Bahama mom Bronzer, and the BalmShelter tinted moisturizer however they weren’t listed (they had the tinted moisturizer however not in my shade). however overall, the choice of TheBalm products was rather good.


I put this order on January 17th as well as it shown up February 13th so it wasn’t terrible in terms of shipping time from California to Toronto. I was honestly expecting the order to take a minimum of 6 weeks to show up since the order confirmation stated:

Ships in 2 – 3 weeks from order date. When this event ends, this product is sent from the brand to HauteLook, as well as then from HauteLook to you.

I had heard some headache stories of Canadians buying for gifts as well as the products not showing up in time. I was in no rush to get these products however it would be strange if I published this haul in March when I’d ordered them in January. I likewise liked that it was shipped via Canpar since I’m not house during weekdays – the parcel was held at a close-by place for me to pick up at my convenience. I should likewise mention that the products were packed securely with ample bubble wrap as well as in a compact sized cardboard box that was appropriate for the produCTS في الداخل.

الكل في الكل، تجربة رائعة جدا مع hautelook وكذلك أفكر في شراء المزيد من الموقع في المستقبل. أنا أفترض أنه ليس من المستغرب أن استمتعت بالشراء على Hautelook منذ أن تديرها Nordstrom.

هل جربت أي نوع من منتجات TheBalm التي اشتريتها؟ هل تتسوق على Hautelook؟

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يتم تخصيص TheBalm Instain Instain BLUSHESTHIS Rachael of Uplpless أثناء التجفيف – لقد نشرت مؤخرا مؤخرا تقييما لمجموعة Leabled NodeDude الخاصة ب Thebalm بالإضافة إلى الاقتراحات المطلوبة حول منتجات Thealm الأخرى لمحاولة. اقترحت أن أفضل لحاء صياغة، وكذلك سألت إذا كان لدي إدخال مدونة عليهم – لم أفعل ذلك، …
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