مكياج و سحر بلوق يوم الاثنين، المجلد. 529

So…what is the Monday Poll?

سؤال جيد! ليس كذلك، على عكس اسمه، استطلاع حقيقي. إنها مجرد قائمة بخمسة أسئلة عشوائية أكثر أو أقل تم نشرها على هذه المدونة كل صباح يوم الاثنين لأعمير Gazillion السابقة (أكثر من 10!). أحب قراءة إجاباتك، ويساعدني في الحصول على أسبوعي بداية رائعة. ب

1. best music festival?

لقد مرت سنوات! Actually, now that I think about it, I don’t know if I’ve ever been to one? I vaguely recall wanting to go to Lilith fair in the late ’90s but not going, and then somehow ending up with a reusable Starbucks cup that said “Lilith Fair” on it. So I’m gonna say Lilith Fair.

I’ve never been, but I’ve heard good things about BottleRock in Napa, which isn’t too far from my house. Bruno Mars was at the last one.


2. _____ has leading man hair.

Mr. big from Sex and the City. I re-watched the first film a couple days ago, and he’s the first well-haired person who popped into my mind.

That reminds me, I just finished marathoning the best show! It’s called The bold Type, and I found it in home entertainment Weekly. It’s about three 20-something millennial women who work in the magazine industry in new York, and I really, really like that the show isn’t scared to let them fail. The characters are also typically pretty likable. It’s like Sex and the City in a way, but I think the girls seem nicer.

3. favorite accent?

If we’re talking about speaking accents, I wouldn’t mind having an English accent. If I could sound like a royal, that would be cool.


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

If, however, we’re talking home accents, I do like throw pillows for my couch.

4. I wish I had a robot that would…

Do everything I didn’t want to do, like pick up Connor’s toys at the end of the day, and if it could also cook every single meal for me and view Connor for a couple hours every once in a while to give me a break ، هذا سيكون رائع!

5. Which has been causing you the most drama lately — makeup, skin or hair?

بشرتي. I mean, I haven’t been breaking out or anything like that, but I’ve been staying up late playing with my phone, which I know I shouldn’t be doing, and reading books from the library, so my dark circles are darker than usual.

~ the best Chinese food ~

(Yes, I’m hungry best now.) Up here in the North Bay, the options are kinda limited, but I’m not picky when it concerns Chinese food. I like practically everything (lately, especially Jenny Low’s!).

I will say that I think a lot of the Chinese food around here tastes a little bland, for lack of a better word. I can’t discuss it, but it doesn’t taste like I remember Chinese food tasted when I would go to Cindy’s house in high school and her grandma would make us stir fry. There was just so much flavor! and I don’t remember having anything like lemon chicken.

Have an remarkable week, babe! I hope you also have some yummy Chinese food. التحدث معك قريبا.

مدمن سحر الحي الصديق،



ملاحظة. فيما يلي الأسئلة لك لنسخ ولصق إجاباتك في التعليق:

1. best music festival?
2. _____ has leading man hair.
3. favorite accent?
4. I wish I had a robot that would…
5. Which has been causing you the most drama lately — makeup, skin or hair?

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