A drugstore Jamboree! My weekend With the Almay wise shade products

using Almay remove skin tone makeup in Ivory 100, the 140 Trio for eco-friendlies on my eyes, wise shade blush in 30 Coral on my cheeks as well as wise shade Butter Kiss Lipstick in 40 Red-Light on my lips
Do you ever want to go to the drugstore as well as fill your basket with new makeup to try out a whole new look?

That’s something I might never do at a high-end makeup counter, however sometimes it’s fun to take perhaps $25 of fun money to buy drugstore colors I’d never even believe to purchase from a department store line — you know, just to play. It’s like what I utilized to do when I very first started using makeup (at house only, I promise mom!) as a young teenager.


That’s type of like what I did with these Almay products a couple weekends back — have pointless fun as well as experiment — as well as I discovered some things that definitely deserve more interest than they get in the blogosphere!

Almay Cosmetics (clockwise from top left): Almay remove skin tone makeup in Ivory 100, remove skin tone pressed Powder in 300 Medium, wise shade Concealer Corrector in 030 Medium, intense I-Color celebration Brights Shadows, wise shade Butter Kiss Lipsticks as well as intense I-Color Volumizing Mascara in 033 Midnight
For starters, I can’t believe I’ve never noticed Almay’s wise shade Blushes (about $12). The stars sculpted into the powder are all-American (the brand’s slogan is “the American look”) however likewise traditional Sailor Jerry style nautical stars…so you understand that this tattooed makeup enthusiast is all about the method these look.

With these pans, like with routine ombré blushes, you can vary the depth of the shade you want for your cheeks, as well as the pans likewise have a shimmery strip that you can glide your clean over when you want to.


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

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I like the look of Coral mixed out on the apples of my cheeks with a pop of the lightest shimmering peachy pink on the tops of my cheekbones.

Almay wise shade blush 20 nude as well as 30 Coral (about $12 each)

(L-R): Almay wise shade blush in 20 nude (individually then blended) as well as 30 Coral (individually then blended)
Tailored to fit different eye colors (but please remember, ladies, that makeup rules were meant to be broken), Almay’s intense I-Color celebration Brights Trios (about $8.50) are stunning! The 125 Trio for Browns has an unforeseen trio of complementary purples ranging from a shimmering lavender to a deep plum as well as a true matte periwinkle.

Even though I don’t comply with the “green for greens” rule suggested on the packaging, I’ve been reaching for the 140 Trio for eco-friendlies the most often. It has a champagne, a deep plum as well as a true gold that are definitely not a combination of shadows I would have anticipated working together in perfect harmony mixed on my lids (but they do!). I believe a smoked-out hint of the middle deep plum shade likewise truly makes my peepers pop.

Almay intense I-Color celebration Brights shadows in 125 Trio for Browns as well as 140 Trio for Greens
(L-R): Almay 125 Trio for Browns as well as 140 Trio for Greens
Although I don’t truly struggle with acne, I still like to utilize some makeup with skin care benefits, like when it comes to foundation, I’m always looking for something moisturizing that wont improve dry areas as well as eczema. Almay’s remove skin tone makeup with “Blemish Heal” tech applies as well as blends like a dream. I can’t speak for its blemish healing properties, however I like the concept.

And even though the one I tried isn’t perfect for my pale skin tone, Almay’s wise shade Concealer Corrector is cool. So many products insurance claim to change to fit your skin tone, however this really modifications right before your eyes. When dispensing it from the tube, it comes out as a chalky white with deep brown speckles of pigment that establish as well as modification color while blending.

It’s a sight to behold! — even for a gal who believes she’s seen it all.

Almay remove skin tone makeup in Ivory 100, remove skin tone pressed Powder in 300 Medium, wise shade Concealer Corrector in 030 medium as well as Almay intense I-Color Volumizing Mascara in 033 Midnight
(L-R): Almay remove skin tone makeup in Ivory 100, remove skin tone pressed Powder in 300 Medium, wise shade Concealer Corrector in 030 medium (applied in a line as well as then blended), as well as Almay intense I-Color Volumizing Mascara in 033 Midnight
And if you’re going to spend an afternoon just playing makeup, you requirement a reliable makeup cleaner by your side. back when I very first started using makeup, I keep in mind utilizing something like Almay’s oil-based traditional since it attacked even the most stubborn as well as water resistant products, so for somebody who was converted to micellar waters as well as lait deماكيلانت لسنوات عديدة بعد التكاليف لفترة طويلة تعيش في فرنسا، أشعر أنني أعود إلى جذوري.

وعندما يتم ذكر كل شيء وكذلك القيام به؟ يمكنني القضاء بسرعة مكياج بلدي مع السائل منظف ماي العين العين!


يعتقد MYY البالغ من العمر سبع سنوات أن احتفال I-Color الأنيق يبتسم الظلال التي كتبها اسمها (لا!)، ومع ذلك لا يمكنها الحصول عليها. هذه لن تغادر مجموعة مكياجي في أي وقت قريب.

إنه الكثير من المرح للعب مع ماكياج مع التخلي المتهور في بعض الأحيان، أليس كذلك؟ لا سيما دون القولون عن الالتزام ب “ظلال الاستعداد” أو “القواعد”. انها مثل التلوين خارج الخطوط!

هل لديك منتج almay المفضل؟ بالضبط ما مدى معرفتك مع العلامة التجارية؟

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