الأحد مع علامات التبويب القط، ماكياج وكذلك استئناف المدونة التميمة، المجلد. 341

Dear Tabby is written by Tabs the cat, commonly thought about “the world’s very first plus-size kitty supermodel.” أنشئت في منتصف عام 2012، فقد انتهى الأمر بسرعة أكبر توصيات من التوصيات القطري على الأرض – مفهومة على وجهة نظر القطط الجديدة على نمط الحياة، والأزياء وكذلك المشاكل النمط التي تؤثر على القطط وكذلك البشر.

Cat concerns decision to go after acting

DEAR TABBY: very first things first: delighted Easter. say thanks to you so much for reading my letter.

My concern for you refers to acting. Basically, I just experienced the most humiliating moment of my life, as well as it has left me doubting my decision to step out right here to Hollywood.


Earlier this week I auditioned for a part as a character called “The Easter Bunny” in a production at the close-by mall. My agent stated it would be a prestigious stepping stone in my career, however it [turned out to be] a humiliating disaster.

Like lots of cats, when I moved out right here from the Midwest, I had stars in my eyes. I wished to be the next Tabs or Morris, however “the biz” hasn’t been what I expected at all.

No one takes me seriously! The only functions I ever get are commercials, as well as I never get any type of speaking lines.


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

So that audition I mentioned? — they wouldn’t even let me into the mall. I was told, “Sorry, buddy. No cats allowed.”

هل يمكنك تصديق ذلك؟ as well as I trained near Juilliard.

Anyway, now I’m doubting my decision to step out here. I’m six years old, as well as I’m not getting any type of younger. Do you believe I must keep trying, or must I take this as a indication as well as provide up acting?


Did Morris provide up?

DEAR THOR: Did Morris provide up when they told him he was as well orange for television? Of program not. In this business, you can’t take the rejection seriously. It occurs to us all.

The Easter Bunny just wasn’t the ideal function for you. When you’re truly prepared to provide up, you’ll understand it. You won’t requirement to request my viewpoint or any individual else’s.

Stay strong, believe in your craft, as well as keep trying. Also, look for chances close to home.

Perhaps method running lines with your assistant. I do that sometimes. Act calm, great as well as collected one minute, as well as then totally shift gears as well as flip out. It’s a great exercise.

Kitty seeks huge city fashion advice

DEAR TABBY: My assistant as well as I just recently relocated the office from the West coastline to downtown new York, as well as I’m having a difficult time adjusting to the fast-paced environment. I haven’t been sleeping well during the daytime at all, as well as now I’m nervously licking my fur.

Everything right here is just different. a lot more formal, I guess? I can’t rather put my paw on it, however I’m trying to make the very best of the situation.

One thing I’ve observed is the street style. The cats right here like to gown up, however I’m not a kitty clothes horse. I don’t understand the very first thing about fashion. Do you have any type of basic ideas to assist me in shape in much better with these elegant locals?


Fashion is life

DEAR TWEETY: I believe you’re smart to step up your fashion game a little, particularly if you want to break into the east coastline kitty modeling as well as feline fashion scenes (you didn’t say).

Since I work both coasts, I comply with a formula: whenever I’m working in new York, I begin with whatever I would have used in California, however I wear it in black instead. For example, if I would have used my preferred blue tie to an interview in California, in new York I’ll wear a black tie instead. This is to fit for the a lot more trendy east coat lifestyle.

Cat considers a major occupation change

DEAR TABBY: Lately I’ve been feeling extremely unfulfilled. See, I’ve been working as a safety guard for a group of cats who… Well, never mind what they do. انها ليست مهمة. I just don’t take pleasure in doing it anymore. I want to try something new (accounting), however I don’t understand exactly how to go about getting the appropriate training.

I’ve used to lots of universities (both CSU as well as UC systems), however it’s not working out. None of them even respond.

So I’m wondering about on the internet degree programs. are there any type of you like, as well as do you believe they’ll work for cats?


Always aim for excellence

DEAR STRAWBERRY: Oh, absolutely, they work. I hold four degrees, all of which I acquired on the internet utilizing my iPhone.

Most big institutions offer on the internet classes now, as well as personally, I don’t believe the institution matters as much as the specific program. It depends upon the field you want to study.للمحاسبة، أعتقد أن لديك قدر كبير من الخيارات الرائعة. لدي حقا صديق جيد يأخذ برامج محاسبة الإنترنت الآن مع بيركلي. لقد ساعدها عليها أثناء عملية التقديم لتجنيد مساعدها، حيث تعامل الكثير من التطبيقات على تطبيقات الإنترنت مع المتدربين البشريين بأصابعهم بالإضافة إلى الإبهام.

أنا أشاد طموحك، الفراولة. دراسة البحث بجد. أنا تأصيل لك.

القط يزعجه العلاج الصامت في الغرفة الجديدة

عزيزي العتابي: العتابي، زميله الجديد هو أغرب القطط الذي عرفته على الإطلاق. اسمه أرنب، وكذلك يرفض حتى الاعتراف بوجودي.

لم يقل عن كلمة واحدة لأفكر في أنه انتقل في غضون أسبوعين – وليس كلمة واحدة. إنه لا يأكل معي، أكمل معي، نظف معي. إنه لا يصعد برج القطط، ولا يطارد الطيور بالخارج، لا يلعب مع اللعب. انها مجرد غريبة!

عندما استخدمته عدد قليل من السمك الأبيض المفضل في عشاء المرق في الليلة الأخرى، فقد أخذ شمثين وكذلك القافز – قفز في الواقع من الغرفة.

أنا في حيرة. لا أفهم ما يجب القيام به، ومع ذلك أريد حقا أن أعمل هذا الظرف. ماذا يجب علي ان افعل؟

– ويندي

في بعض الأحيان أنا فقط أجلس وكذلك آمن ب Catnip …

عزيزي ويندي: بالضبط كيف يشعر الأرنب عن catnip؟ هل يظهر أي نوع من الفائدة في ذلك على الإطلاق؟ شيء يخبرني أنه سوف.


هل استمتعت بإمكانية أن الأرنب هو حقا أرنب؟ سوف تصف طبيعته غير المكتملة.

لقد فهمت عددا من الأرانب في حياتي، وكذلك يمكن أن تكون ودية إلى حد ما عندما تصل إلى فهمها. cuddly للغاية أيضا. ما يستحق، كل واحد كنت راضيا من أي وقت مضى كان نباتي.

الكثير من الحب، دائما، وكذلك عيد الفصح سعيد.

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