مكياج و سحر بلوق يوم الاثنين، المجلد. 352

The makeup and charm blog Monday Poll for Monday, Dec. 22, 2014
قد تتساءل، “إذن ما في الترنه هو يوم الاستطلاع يوم الاثنين على أي حال!”

حسنا، ليس بالضبط استطلاع. إنه أكثر بكثير من التطور المستمر (انقلاب؟)، قائمة عشوائية إلى حد ما من الأسئلة التي طرحتها للقراء كل صباح الاثنين خلال السنوات السبع الماضية. (إنه مثل Kickstart لعقلك.) لقد سعدت دائما في قراءة إجاباتك في التعليقات، وآمل أن تكون فرائا في قراءة الألغام.

My signature makeup look?
A smokey something-or-other with a cat eye of some sort — some version of a smokey cat eye combination, typically with nude lips because they’re easy. Or, plain lids, big lashes and bright lips.

One of my etiquette pet peeves…
I cannot stand it when the person who uses the restroom before me doesn’t change the toilet paper, when there’s clearly not enough toilet paper for the next person. They’ll leave one square or an empty roll. حقًا؟ You have to — the toilet paper’s gotta get changed! You’re already sitting on the pot, so you might as well change it. It takes like 2 seconds!

My secret charm weapons are…
Getting as much sleep as possible (if I could, I’d sleep nine hours per night) and drinking obscene amounts of water.

One or two things that are always in my fridge:
Some kind of stinky cheese (the stinkier the better) and half-eaten cans of cat food.

I will never care about…
شرائح لحم الضأن.

I just really don’t like the sound of those two words together.


دورك. مجرد نسخ ولصق الأسئلة التالية في تعليق مع إجاباتك. وإنني أتطلع إلى القراءة ’em!

1. My signature makeup look?
2. one of my etiquette pet peeves…
3. My secret charm weapons are…
4. One or two things that are always in my fridge:
5. I will never care about…


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

I sure hope it doesn’t rain on Christmas, but it looks like it might.

That reminds me — when I was young, I was terrified of it raining on Christmas because my grandma once told me that when it rains on Christmas…Jesus is crying, and when you’re in the third grade, and you hear that, and it’s pouring outside, you’re like, “What did I do to make Jesus cry!?”


My friend Cindy’s birthday party yesterday was a lot of fun. I feel like we were just celebrating her thirtieth, but this was her fortieth, and it was carb city! We had spaghetti and meatballs and yummy grilled potatoes, some grilled cheeses. كان رائعا.

The Hillside supper Club in San Francisco
And we all gave her gifts that fit our personalities, like her friend Bernadette, who loves to cook, gave her a fancy imported French pâté, and then I, of course, gave her something beauty-related, a Bvlgari perfume. Her other friend, Grace, who’s kind of a jokester, got her a hot men & baby animals calendar, also known as “the gift that keeps on giving.”

This week, per my feline employer’s demands, we have to leave the premises so that he can hang out with his favorite petsitter, so we’re heading to my parents’ house in the east Bay, and then up to see my in-laws in Redding.


هل أنت على استعداد لعيد الميلاد؟ Are all the presents wrapped?

مدمن سحر الحي الصديق،


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